December 7,2003

Thanks for choosing to download my jetways for the St. Louis-Lambert Intl. Airport in FS2004.I hope you enjoy them. Please take the time to read the following documentation:

INSTALLATION OF SCENERY FILES: Extract all of the files in this zip archive to your FS9\Addon Scenery folder,making sure you have "use folder names" selected in the Win Zip dialog box. All of the necessary folders will then be created, and you will now have a new folder within your FS9\Addon Scenery folder entitled "KSTL Jetways". Next you will need to access the FS2004 Scenery Library to install your new jetways.

WHY IS THE AFCAD FILE REQUIRED?: Because I used the new feature in AFCAD2 to expand the ramp area in places, and because all of the aircraft are properly lined up at their gates. I created this AFCAD2 file based on pictures of the actual St. Louis-Lambert Intl.terminal layout from their website. The A,B,C,D, and E Concourses are all included, with accurate gate numbering and airline assignments. Due to space constraints, however, I could not include every single gate. They would have had to be crammed too close together, which is something I did not want to do. Also, all of the commercial airline and cargo parking spots were sized using Project AI aircraft standards. See the next section for more details on this. You will find this file, entitled AF2_KSTL.bgl, within the separate zip file KSTL, which is located within this zip archive. To install it, simply move it to your FS9\Addon Scenery\Scenery folder. If you have another KSTL AFCAD2 file installed already, be sure to remove it from your FS9\Addon Scenery\Scenery folder before inserting the new file.

CUSTOM FLIGHT PLANS: I have several custom flight plans which I have created myself for the airport. You can find them in the KSTL Flight Plans.txt file which is also located within the separate
KSTL file, located within this zip archive. Please attempt to use these flight plans only if you are comfortable working with your Traffic Tools FlightPlans.txt file, as this will involve deleting all of the default KSTL flight plans therein. The commercial flight plans are real world flight plans with actual flight numbers. All of the aircraft I use for commercial and cargo flights are Project AI aircraft. You can read more about this in the KSTL Flight Plans.txt file

THANK YOU: To the designers of the Airport For Windows scenery design program,and to Shehryar Ansari for his Gmax designed jetways.

Feel free to contact me with any comments or questions you may have.
